PPCI Training (Baton, Handcuff, OC Spray)
PPCI Training 9 am- 6 pm
The purpose of PPCI training is to teach public safety officers proper strategies and communication skills to avert aggression and protect themselves from injury. Trainees will learn effective court defensible control & defense skills and methods of using non-lethal tools and restraints when aggression cannot be averted. Those attending will learn how to minimize injuries to suspects and other citizens as well as minimizing the possibility of civil liability associated with improper use of defense skills and tools
Course Description:
The OCAT® program is designed for public safety officers who deal with conflict or potential violence. This includes corporate security, federal, state and local law enforcement organizations, contract security companies, academic or healthcare law-enforcement and security, corrections, military police, probation and parole, bail enforcement, and executive protection. More than 8,000 OCAT® instructors have been trained worldwide.
Through a combination of Practical Exercises and Classroom instruction you will learn how to:
Identify the stages of conflict in order to: recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force.
Apply state-of-the-art tactical concepts such as spraying techniques, disengagement, proper defensive positions, methods of movement, multiple opponent defense, contact and cover system, defense against moving attacks, ground defense, and drawing techniques.
Avoid liability suits through Certified training, understanding the effects of OC spray, identifying factors that justify OC use, and proper OC incident documentation.
OCAT® is a non-product specific training program. Once trained and certified you and your agency decide which brand, canister size, heat and spray pattern suit your needs.
Course Topics:
What is OC?
The heat of OC, Concentration Levels, and Calculating Capsaicin Content
Spray Patterns
Skin Sensitivity, Effects on the Eyes and Respiratory System
Other Effects and After Effects
How to Use OC
General After Use Guidelines and Post Exposure Cleansing
In-Custody Deaths and Recognizing Excited Delirium
General OC Information, Number of Bursts, Flammability, Area Recovery, Storage and Shelf Life
Material Safety Data Sheets
Resistance and Control Management
Officer and Individual Factors and Escalation Through the Levels of Control
Recognizing the Threat
Elements of Reporting Resistance and Control
Agency Policies and Procedures
Principles of Balance, Movement, Center and Reaction Time
Defensive Position
Relative Positioning
Drawing Techniques
Spraying techniques for single or multiple aggressors
Contact and Cover System
Moving Attack
Ground Defense
Defense from an OC Attack
Methods of Instruction (Instructor Course)
Baton Tactics
Course Description:
The PPBT® “Personal Protection Baton Tactics” program is designed for public safety officers who deal with conflict or potential violence. This includes corporate security, federal, state and local law enforcement organizations, contract security companies, academic or healthcare law-enforcement and security, corrections, military police, probation and parole, bail enforcement, and executive protection.
Through a combination of Practical Exercises and Classroom instruction you will learn how to:
Identify the stages of the conflict in order to: recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force.
Apply state-of-the-art tactical concepts such as Proper Defensive Positions, Methods of Movement, Drawing Techniques, Baton Shielding, Baton Counter-Strikes, and Baton Retention. Avoid liability suits through Certified training, understanding the effects of police batons, identifying factors that justify baton use, and proper baton incident documentation.
The PPBT® “Personal Protection Baton Tactics” training program is a non-product specific straight and expandable baton training program. Once trained and certified the officer and agency choose the brand and design of straight or expandable baton that fits their needs.
Course Topics:
History of the Police Baton
Baton Nomenclature
Resistance and Control Management
Officer and Individual Factors/ Escalation Through the Levels of Control
Recognizing the Threat
Elements of Reporting Resistance and Control
Agency Policies and Procedures
Reasonable Target Selection
Target Areas
Principles of Balance, Movement, Center and Reaction Time
Relative Positioning
Science of Energy and Motion
Three Ranges of Physical Defense
Angles of Attack and Defense
Baton Grips and Ready Positions
Baton Drawing Techniques
Baton Counter-Strikes
Baton Shielding
Baton Retention
Methods of Instruction (Instructor Course)
Handcuff Training
Course Description:
The PATH® “Practical and Tactical Handcuffing” course is the most complete and innovative handcuffing course in the country. Public safety officers including corporate security, federal, state and local law enforcement organizations, contract security companies, academic or healthcare law-enforcement and security, corrections, military police, probation and parole, bail enforcement, and executive protection will benefit from the principles and skills learned during the PATH® training program.
Nearly 3,000 PATH® Instructors have been trained worldwide. The techniques presented are practical and effective. Topics to be covered include the safest approach and positioning for handcuffing, handcuffing non-compliant subjects, prone and kneeling handcuffing, removing handcuffs, and the use of various types of cuffs, among others.
Benefits include:
Reduced Injury to Officers and Subjects
Reduced Exposure to Civil Liability
Reduced Workers’ Compensation Payments
Increased Performance, Efficiency & Speed When Applying Handcuffs
Increased Confidence & Morale
Increased Safety
Improved Decision Making
Course Topics
General Handcuffing Guidelines
Handcuffing History
Handcuffing Dangers
Trial and Error Lessons
Handcuff Nomenclature
Hinged, Rigid, Chain-Link and Disposable Handcuffs
Care and Maintenance of Handcuffs
Resistance and Control Management
Officer and Individual Factors/ Escalation Through the Levels of Control
Recognizing the Threat
Elements of Reporting Resistance and Control
Principles of Balance, Movement, Center and Reaction Time
Relative Positioning
Handcuffing a Subject in a Standing, Prone or Kneeling Position
Resistance and Disengaging
Standing a Prone Handcuffed Subject
Post-Handcuffing Guidelines
Directing a Subject to a Prone Position
Prone with Hands Under the Body
Effect of Pressure of Nerve Centers
Rolling a Subject to a Prone Position
Removing Handcuffs
Use of Contact and Cover
Exiting a Room or Cell where there is a Potential for Violence
Methods of Instruction (Instructor Course)
**All 3 courses together: $205.00**
**Courses taken separately are $75 each**